Friday 3 February 2017

World Book Day

I couldn't be more excited for World Book Day this year! My eldest two children have decided they would like to dress as Hermione Granger and Quidditch Harry Potter. Costumes ordered and delivered ready! Now just the small matter of deciding what the toddler and the dog will wear!

I, on the other hand will be spending the day at my local Waterstones and any other bookshops that I may come across, breathing in the atmosphere and sipping tea with my latest read. Don't forget World Book Day is Thursday 3rd March!

March is actually shaping up to be pretty exciting so far. Aside from the usual reviews and offers we have our very first guest blog post from the lovely Lauren Westwood. Lauren's upcoming novel Finding Secrets is due for release on March 1st and I am looking forward to reading it and of course chatting with Lauren very soon.

My newest Amazon haul has just arrived as we speak and today I have decided to add some true classics to my shelf in the form of the Bronte sisters and Jane Austen. Excited to re-read these as a grown up to see how my perception of them changes.

My current read is All Fall Down from Tom Bale, so stay tuned for the review!

Until next time!

Rachael xo

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